2008 CasesToronto Criminal Lawyer

October 29, 2008
R. v. G.A.—First Degree Murder—Not Guilty verdict by jury.

June 11, 2008
R. v. W.P. —Second Degree Murder—Not Guilty verdict by jury.

Bayliss Toronto Lawyer2007 Cases

October 15, 2007
R. v. William Mullins-Johnson—first degree murder—Mr. Mullins-Johnson was exonerated by the Ontario Court of Appeal after twelve and a half  years of imprisonment having been wrongfully convicted of murdering his young niece, a conviction based in large part on the evidence of now-discredited pathologist Dr. Charles Smith (with co-counsel James Lockyer).

Bill Mullins-Johnson Walks Free after 12 Years in Federal Prison
“But in 2001, finally there was someone other than his mother, who was willing to listen to him and eventually come to believe Mullins-Johnson was innocent. “There was not a shred of forensic evidence linking Bill to the crime scene,” says David Bayliss, a lawyer with the Association in Defence of the Wrongfully Convicted. “This was an alleged sex-homicide. There was no semen. There was no blood. There was no saliva, no hair, no biological material whatsoever connected Billy to Valin or the bed where she was found dead.”

In September 2005, armed with the new medical findings, Bayliss headed back to court. The federal justice minister immediately ordered a full review of the case. After 12 years in federal prison, Bill Mullins-Johnson was released on bail pending the review. “When I finally stepped out the doors there I was looking up at the sky. I forgot how blue the sky can be,” says Mullins-Johnson.”

April 12, 2007
R. v. R.W.—Sexual Assault and Sexual Interference—Not Guilty verdict by jury.

January 8, 2007
R. v. R.C.—Sexual Assault—charges withdrawn by Crown after preliminary hearing.

2006 CasesCriminal Defence Lawyer

August 18, 2006
R. v. M.B.—Assault Police— charges stayed against young person after constitutional violations based on unnecessary police violence established.

June 29, 2006
R. v. S.P. and F.M.—Defence Application to Quash Subpoenas—subpoenas served on defence counsel withdrawn and costs paid by Crown.

May 10, 2006
R. v. F.R.—Sexual Assault—charges stayed after violation of constitutional right to trial within a reasonable time established.

March 20, 2006
R. v. N.B.—Firearms Possession—client discharged on charges after preliminary hearing.

2005 CasesToronto Lawyer

November 9, 2005
R. v. A.Y.—First Degree Murder—client discharged after lengthy preliminary hearing.

October 27, 2005
R. v. N.B.—First Degree Murder—charges withdrawn.

February 16, 2005
R. v. J. O. [2005] O.J. No. 6048—Sexual Interference and Sexual Touching—client found Not Guilty and costs ordered against Crown for conduct of abusive prosecution violating constitutional rights.

2004 CasesDefence Lawyer

November 9, 2004
R. v. M.L.—First Degree Murder—Not Guilty verdict by jury (with co-counsel Najma Jamaldin).

March 31, 2004
R. v. G.A.—Importing Cocaine—charge stayed after it was established that Canada Customs and Border Services routinely detained travelers through Pearson International Airport on the “superloo” for hours or days with no reasonable grounds to believe that narcotics were being carried internally.

2003 CasesCriminal Lawyer

December 19, 2003
R. v. A.B—Second Degree Murder—Not Guilty verdict by jury.

April 9, 2003
R. v. B.M. (2003) 64 O.R. (3d) 299—Robbery—charges against young person withdrawn and costs ordered against Crown for abusive prosecution violating constitutional rights.