
Toronto Criminal Lawyer

Expert legal counsel. Winning criminal cases since 1984.

Toronto criminal lawyer, David G. Bayliss is a veteran of the courtroom with more than 35 years experience. David understands the justice system, how to negotiate effectively, and how to win at trial.

As a leading criminal defence lawyer he has successfully defended all types of criminal charges. These include many high-profile cases of murder, attempted murder, sexual assault, drug possession, trafficking and importing, firearm charges,  armed robbery, domestic assault and fraud.

A scorching cross-examiner, David has handled hundreds of jury and non-jury trials. He provides expert legal counsel and has extensive experience in the practice of criminal law.

David G. Bayliss is designated by Legal Aid Ontario as a member of the Complex Criminal Case Rate Panel. All his clients receive an impassioned and skillful defence. He dedicates personal attention to every case. 

Illegal search? Were your rights violated? We fight for your rights.

Justice Scales - Canadian Charter of Rights and FreedomsDavid has a strong focus on the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. One of his top priorities is defending clients whose rights have been violated during an illegal search and seizure, or during the criminal prosecution process itself.

When your reputation and freedom are at stake you want a solid lawyer. An experienced defence lawyer can make the difference between going to prison and walking free.

A criminal conviction can have devastating consequences and employment restrictions. Our law team fights for your rights. “New documents show the number of search warrants executed by Toronto police has almost tripled in a nine-year period. In roughly half the cases, nothing illegal was found and no charges laid.”- Read the complete article at TheStar.com

Our law firm defends against all criminal charges, no matter how serious.

Call  416-598-5250 to speak to one of our lawyers if you have been charged or arrested. We take emergency and collect calls anytime, seven days a week. Please contact us here.

We defend serious criminal charges including:

Murder, Manslaughter

Drug Possession, Trafficking & Importing

Charter of Rights

Assault, Domestic Assault & Violence

Criminal Harassment

Sexual Assault & Other Sexual Offences

Major Fraud & Theft, Shoplifting, Robbery

Gun Possession & Firearms Use

Youth & Crime


We provide highly personalized legal services.

Your initial consultation with a Toronto criminal lawyer is free. Call us anytime at 416-598-5250 to schedule an appointment. As a boutique law firm, David G. Bayliss Professional Corporation provides highly personalized services. Experts in Canadian criminal law, David G. Bayliss and his legal team are committed to defending offences under the Criminal Code of Canada.

The Bayliss law firm practices trial advocacy and defends criminal cases in Toronto, GTA, Mississauga, Barrie, Hamilton and Durham Region. They will also serve anywhere in Ontario and all Canadian provinces. Their law offices are centrally located in downtown Toronto.

Our law firm accepts Visa and Mastercard. We accept Legal Aid Ontario certificates in certain cases.

You can count on us for a dedicated and skillful defence.

  • Toronto criminal lawyer since 1984.
  • Over 35 years of personal experience.
  • Ontario criminal defence law firm.
  • Innovative and proven legal strategies.
  • Defending your rights against all charges.

Recent News – Craig Short acquitted after three trials. 

“Craig Short was acquitted in murder of his wife Barbara Short. Free Press reporter Jane Sims talked with Barbara Short’s father Robert Buckingham, and Craig Short’s defence lawyer David Bayliss, following the verdict.” ~ The London Free Press

Selected Case Results

See Cases tab more complete cases history

R. v. C.S.—2019—Not Guilty Verdict in third trial for First Degree Murder
‘It’s finally over’: Lambton man acquitted in third trial on wife’s homicide

R. v. T. S.—2018—Second Degree Murder—Client found Not Guilty of murder but guilty of Manslaughter and receives four year jail sentence.

R. v. M. T.—2018—Second Degree Murder—Client found Not Guilty of murder but guilty of Manslaughter and receives two year sentence.

R. v. A.B.—2017—First Degree Murder—Not Guilty verdict by jury. R. v. K.P.—2017—First Degree Murder—Client Discharged and released after Preliminary Hearing.

R. v. R.B.—2016—2nd Degree Murder—Not Guilty verdict by jury. R. v. M.O.—2016—First Degree Murder—Charge withdrawn by Crown.

R. v. R.G.—2015—First Degree Murder and Attempted MurderNot Guilty verdicts by jury.

R. v. J. B.—2019—Trafficking in biographical information [via the internet]—Charges withdrawn by Crown Attorney in Superior Court of Justice.

R. v. J. B.—2018—Unauthorized Use of Computer Data, Mischief in Relation to Computer Data x 3—Discharged after preliminary hearing.

R. v. K. D.—2019—Sexual Assault—Not Guilty verdict by jury. R. v. J. H.—2019—Sexual Interference with a Minor—All charges withdrawn by Crown Attorney.

R. v. M. K.—2019—Sexual Assault, Assault with a Weapon x 2, Forcible Confinement and related charges—Not Guilty verdict by jury on all charges.

R. v. L. W.—2018—Sexual Assault—15 year old Client found Not Guilty after lengthy trial before Judge of the Ontario Court of Justice Youth Court

R. v. D. K.—2018—Sexual Assault with a Weapon—Not Guilty verdict by jury.

R. v. E.D.—2018—Thirteen-year-old charged with three counts of Sexual Assault—Charges withdrawn after intensive assessment and counselling regime arranged by counsel.

R. v. J. G.—2019—Importing Cocaine—Not Guilty verdict by jury. R. v. A.N—2019—Possession of Heroin for purpose of trafficking and other drug charges—All charges withdrawn by Crown Attorney.

R. v. M. F.—2018—Possession of MDMA for Purpose of Trafficking x 4, Possession of Crystal Meth for Purpose of Trafficking x 4, Possession of MDMA for Purpose of Trafficking x 2, Possession of Heroin for Purpose of Trafficking, Possession of Cocaine for Purpose of Trafficking, Possession of Proceeds of Crime—Client found Not Guilty on all charges in Superior Court of Justice after successful Application challenging search warrant for violation of Client’s rights under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

R. v. S. W.—2019—Unauthorized Possession of Firearm with Ammunition, Reckless Discharge of Firearm and related charges—Not Guilty verdict after trial before Superior Court Justice.

R. v. M.A.—2018—Discharge Firearm With Intent to Wound and multiple related charges—Client found Not Guilty of all charges after trial in Ontario Court of Justice.

R. v. E.O.—2018—Unauthorized Possession of Firearm and multiple related charges—All charges stayed by Crown Attorney.

R. v. G.C.—2017—Licensed gun owner charged with over 200 offences related to allegations of improper use and storage of legally possessed firearms—All charges withdrawn, P.A.L. re-instated and firearms collection returned after lengthy negotiations with Crown Attorney, Canadian Firearms Program and Ontario Gun and Gang Task Force Firearms Investigative & Analysis Unit

R. v. H. K.—2019—Indigenous person facing multiple counts of Breaking and Entering in several jurisdictions and captured on CCTV surveillance—Crown seeking penitentiary sentence—after guilty plea to selected charges and conduct of sentencing/peacemaking circle client immediately released from custody with conditions.

*Gladue report. A Gladue report is a type of pre-sentencing and bail hearing report that a Canadian court can request when considering sentencing an offender of Aboriginal background under Section 718.2(e) of the Criminal Code of Canada. ” ~ From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

R. v. G.K—2017—Robbery with Firearm—All charges stayed by Superior Court Judge after defence establishes through DNA evidence that officers investigating case assaulted client in police station interview room in attempt to compel confession.

October 15, 2007 R. v. William Mullins-Johnson—first degree murder—Mr. Mullins-Johnson was exonerated by the Ontario Court of Appeal after twelve years of imprisonment having been wrongfully convicted of murdering his young niece, a conviction based in large part on the evidence of now discredited pathologist Dr. Charles Smith (with co-counsel James Lockyer).

Bill Mullins-Johnson Walks Free after 12 Years in Federal Prison “But in 2001, finally there was someone other than his mother, who was willing to listen to him and eventually come to believe Mullins-Johnson was innocent. “There was not a shred of forensic evidence linking Bill to the crime scene,” says David Bayliss, a lawyer with the Association in Defence of the Wrongfully Convicted. “This was an alleged sex-homicide. There was no semen. There was no blood. There was no saliva, no hair, no biological material whatsoever connected Billy to Valin or the bed where she was found dead.”

In September 2005, armed with the new medical findings, Bayliss headed back to court. The federal justice minister immediately ordered a full review of the case. After 12 years in federal prison, Bill Mullins-Johnson was released on bail pending the review. “When I finally stepped out the doors there I was looking up at the sky. I forgot how blue the sky can be,” says Mullins-Johnson.”

Your first consultation with our criminal defence law firm is free.

Recent Articles

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By: Michael Bryant - Published on Wed Nov 04 2015 | © Toronto Star. Canada’s crisis of untried prisoners is a problem the former Ontario attorney general wishes he addressed while in office According to StatsCan, "On any given day in Canada, there are more adults in custody awaiting [...]

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Stephen Harper defangs another watchdog

May 30th, 2015|Categories: Criminology Research, Prison Reform|

By: Breese Davies - Published on Tue May 26 2015 | © Toronto Star. By reappointing prison ombudsman Howard Sapers to just a one-year-term, the prime minister has once again struck a blow to accountability. Howard Sapers - Professional in his approach and knowledgeable in the extreme, prison ombudsman [...]

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Drinking and Driving Offenses and Punishment in Canada

April 10th, 2015|Categories: Canadian Law, Charter of Rights & Freedoms, Criminal Code Canada, Criminal Law, Drinking and Driving, Drunk Driving, DUI, Impaired Driving|Tags: |

By: David G. Bayliss and Luka Rados, David G. Bayliss Professional Corporation, April 5, 2015. This article discusses Canadian Drinking and Driving legislation and its interpretation by the courts since the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms was proclaimed in 1982. It is intended as overview for the layperson and [...]

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Statement of Principles ~ Toronto Criminal Lawyer, David G. Bayliss

As a licensee of the Law Society of Upper Canada, I stand by the following principles:

• A recognition that the Law Society is committed to Inclusive legal workplaces in Ontario, a reduction of barriers created by racism, unconscious bias and discrimination and better representation of Indigenous and racialized licensees in the legal professions in all legal workplaces and at all levels of seniority;

• My special responsibility as a member of the legal profession to protect the dignity of all individuals, and to respect human rights laws in force in Ontario;

• A commitment to advance reconciliation, acknowledging that we are collectively responsible to support improved relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples in Ontario and Canada; and,

• An acknowledgement of my obligation to promote equality, diversity and inclusion generally and in my behaviour towards colleagues, employees, clients and the public.

Everyone, rich or poor, is entitled to a caring, dynamic criminal defence.

Mail Order Murder

The Deadly Marriage Scam - S1.E5

See David G Bayliss in Mail Order Murder, Season 1, Episode 5

 Mail Order Murder, Season 1  documents the 2012 defence of David G. Bayliss, Toronto criminal lawyer, in the first degree murder case of R. v. D.N.


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